How to make amends with an old enemy: lack of time
I use to hate it. I believe that it silently conspired against me, my sense of accomplishment and calm. Also I marvel and got almost envious, of people that seems to be friends with it, and even able to have more of it that most
Do more in less time
This amazing woman is one of the raisings starts in the world of e-marketing, besides of been very young, funny and inspiring. In a classic post, Marie Forleo shared a story about her rush in creating a webinar for another great coach, and the clues
Ask a lot of questions: Be afraid of not to
The Disney-Pixar movie “Finding Nemo” is the story of the search of a fish-father, Marlin, for his son, little fish “Nemo”. At the end, as you might suspect, if you didn’t see or remember the movie, the father-son reunion happens.
How to deal our personal projects?
When my husband and I decided to emigrate from Venezuela to the United States, we thought we had everything covered. From our friend’s experience, we thought we understood the challenges, the long list of things to decide and do in order to move, and the
Public Speaking Success series 2
The Supra Speaker is the personality I invite you to embrace, in order to, not only overcome your fear, but also to make you a better presenter, while enjoying the process. These are the attributes of the character:
Public Speaking Success series
You can overcome your fear of public speaking, by rethinking your strategy. I would like to propose an approach developed from my own experience that also uses the five steps to overcome panic attacks known as the AWARE steps, as described by Dr. David Carbonell,
Grape’s metaphor
It was awesome to learn that grapevines, unlike other crops, do not require direct irrigation to flourish and grow fruits. On the contrary, in very hard and dry soil, grapevines develop long and strong roots that go through clay, rocks and all sorts