Public Speaking Success series 2

Leaving the unspeaker behind Welcome the Supra speaker!

The Supra Speaker is the personality I invite you to embrace, in order to, not only overcome your fear, but also to make you a better presenter, while enjoying the process. These are the attributes of the character:

  • His / her Commitment to the role: accept the power that comes when you are the speaker. You are the leader of the dynamic of the presentation, providing the rithem, the turns for the audience to place questions, in general, the flow of the whole situation.
  • Focused on the message: the purpose of your presentation is delivering a message. Take care of the format, the examples or facts to support your claims, the images or sounds that help you engage your audience and enable the understanding of your message.
  • Be paused and confident: this attribute helps your body relax, your breathing be aligned with your speech, so your audience can better understand your words.
  • Engaged with the audiences: make eye contact, be open to questions, sense the energy of the audience, to be able to adapt the rithem, even the length or content of the presentation.
  • Transparency: if you are still a little afraid, do not try to hide it. You won’t fool anybody, but yourself. Sometimes confessing your nerves to the audience, can gain you its help and understanding.

As usual, be present in the moment, avoiding your mind to wonder into the future or ruminate into the past. To assume the presentation like an artist performance, would put you on the enjoy zone! Best of luck!